The Margaret Fuller Transnational Archive aims to bring to digital life the networks of periodical publications and correspondences generated by intellectuals and political exiles associated with Margaret Fuller during the years 1846-1850, when she lived in Europe.
Il Margaret Fuller Transnational Archive ricrea, digitalmente, le reti di pubblicazioni periodiche e degli scambi epistolari generati da intellettuali ed esuli politici legati a Margaret Fuller durante il periodo del suo soggiorno europeo, dal 1846 al 1850.
The archive is open access and we invite scholars and students to browse the exhibits and items presented, and to enter a conversation about networks and collaboration in nineteenth-century Revolutionary Europe.
L'archivio è open access e invitiamo studenti e studiosi a visitare le exhibits e gli oggetti qui raccolti. Ci auguriamo che questo progetto favorisca conversazioni sulle reti e le collaborazioni intellettuali e politiche nel contesto dell'Europa rivoluzionaria dell'Ottocento.
By decentering and re-locating the Fuller archive in a transnational dimension, the MFTA intends to explore the possibilities offered by practices of correspondence and ideas of synchronicity. We wish to stress the relational and transnational, rather than the strictly individual and the national. Instead of focusing exclusively on the New England years in Fuller’s life and works, we connect and link her writings and her thinking to a set of other communities and intellectual circles in the politically charged Europe of the 1840s. Showing Fuller’s inclusions in multiple circles of European public intellectuals provides a more complex vision of her thinking and her oeuvre, and, more broadly, it allows for reflections on the personal involvement of political exiles in the 19th-century European context, a social texture made of nations, empires and local communities.